

Today, I’m going to show you how to update your WordPress plugins.


So when you first log into your dashboard, you’re going to want to go to Plugin. There’s going to be a number beside it and it’ll tell you how many plugins that are out of date. The reason why you want update your plugins is to prevent any security issues or someone’s trying to break in, or login provider just had an update that will help improve that plugin. So you always wanna make sure that your plugins are up to date. It’s good to check maybe once a week, if you could only do it once a month, that’s better than nothing. So, at least update your plugins at least once a month. And if you can’t do it once a month and it takes longer, you might be exposing your site to security issues or give opportunities for hackers or someone to get in through a bad plugin. So make sure your plugins are always up to date. So, what you want to do is click Update Available and this will let you know which plugins need to be updated And to update it, all I need to do is click on the drop down, select Update and then click apply. This will update the plugin. Some plugins would say auto update, it will update automatically. It would say automatic update scheduled in seven hours. This one will update automatically. So that helped me update that one plugin so that plugin is updated. The other plugin said it was already at the latest version so I have to check what’s going on, why that isn’t updating.


So maybe I don’t want to have to hassle with going in every week or even every month to update plugins and I just wanted to do it automatically. I would just go to find the plugin to enable auto update and just click on auto update. And now it will update automatically whenever there’s a new plugin update or when there’s a scheduled update for that plugin. So now I won’t have to worry about it and it will update whenever it needs to be updated. But you still want to come into the backend of your site at least once a month and check to make sure everything is up to date and you’re running the latest version of WordPress just to be safe and make sure your website is secure and also make sure you’re running the latest WordPress version. If you are running an old one, it can have issues with security or other things that might compromise your site.


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